Muzeum Dobranocek is a virtual presentation of private collection of toys connected with classical animated movies for children. There are such characters as: Piaskowy Dziadek/Sandmann, Bolek i Lolek, Gšska
Balbinka, Gapiszon, Jacek i Agatka, Reksio, Koziołek Matołek, Krecik/Krtek, Kiwaczek/Cheburashka, Kot Filemon, Pszczółka Maja/Biene Maja, Muminki, Pampalini, Plastuœ, Słoń Dominik, Rumcajs, Żwirek i Mochomorek/Kremilek a Vochomurka, Bear Uszatek, Bear Colargol, Zaczarowany Ołówek. It’s most likely that collection will be exhibited in City Museum in Rzeszow in Poland, which is prepared by Wojciech
Jama, owner of collection and Rzeszow city authorities.